

Grundmeier, A-M, Höfer, D, Kazlacheva, Z, Zlatev, Z, Blaga, M, Köksal, D, & Strähle, J (in press). On the Importance of Fashion Design within a Sustainable Fashion Curriculum at Textile Universities in Europe – Preliminary Results of the European Research Project Fashion DIET. AIP Conference Proceedings.


Höfer, D., Grundmeier, A.-M., Strähle, J., Blaga, M., & Kazlacheva, Z. (2022). Implementing Education for Sustainable Development in Textile Education and Training. Book of Abstracts of Global Fashion Conference, (p. 6).


Höfer D, Grundmeier A-M et al.: How to implement a sustainable fashion curriculum at textile universities via e-learning – preliminary results of the European research project Fashion DIET. IFFTI Conference, Supplement (accepted)

Blaga M, Grundmeier A-M, Höfer D, et al.: A new curriculum for sustainable fashion at textile universities in Europe – preliminary results of the European project Fashion DIET. Advances in Science and Technology Vol. 113 (2022): 209-215.

Grundmeier A-M, Höfer D, et al.: On the importance of fashion design within a sustainable fashion curriculum at textile universities in Europe – preliminary results of the European research project „Fashion DIET”. ICTTE Conference (accepted)

Höfer D, Bulitta C, Passoth N, Schulte S, Seifert M: Antimicrobial surfaces for infection prevention VDI Statusreport (10/2021)

Höfer D: Antimikrobielle Testung von Biomaterialien und Implantatoberflächen. Management&Krankenhaus 03/2021, Sonderheft kompakt. S: 18.

Blaga M, …Höfer D et al. E-learning as a tool for implementing a sustainable fashion curriculum in textile universities in Europe. eLSE Conference, Supplement (accepted)


Höfer D, Bulitta C, Passoth N, Schulte S, Seifert M: Antimikrobielle Oberflächen zur Infektionsprävention – Wirk- und Werkstoffe, Prüfverfahren sowie rechtliche und regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen,
VDI Statusreport (04/2020) VDI-Statusreport_ Antimikrobielle Oberflächen zur Infektionspravention-Final April


Höfer D. (Co-Autor) Keimreduzierung im klinischen Umfeld durch Nanotechnologie VDI Statusreport (02/2019)

Höfer D, Berner-Dannemann N, Marquardt C, Hammer T: Resistance of commercial bed covers against faecal pellets of house dust mites: Behaviour of seams and zippers. Journal of Textile Science and Technology 5 (2019): 27-37

Höfer D: A real-life based evaluation of the effectiveness of antibacterial fabrics in treating atopic dermatitis. Dermatology Research and Practice (2018): Article ID 7043438.


Hammer T, Gerhardts A, Höfer D: A fast test system to evaluate the physical protection potential of textiles against blood-sucking insects. Journal of Textile Science and Technology 4 (2018): 79-84

Gerhardts A, Höfer D: A new approach for a practical assessment of antimicrobial surfaces base on a stamp assay to quantify transfer routes of pathogens. Tenside. Surf. Det. 55 (2018): 404-409


Fischer M, Gebhard F, Hammer T, Zurek C, Meurer G, Marquardt C, Höfer D: Microbial alginate dressings show improved binding capacity for pathophysiological factors in chronic wounds compared to commercial alginate dressings of marine origin. Journal Biomaterial Applications, Volume 31(9) (2017): 1267-1276

Hirsch T, Laemmle C, Behr B, Lehnhardt F, Höfer D, Kückelhaus M: An implant for autologous soft tissue reconstruction based on an adipose-derived stem cell colonised alginate scaffold. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (2017), doi 10.1016/j.bjps.2017.08.009


Gerhardts A, Bockmühl D, Kyas A, Hofmann A, Weide M, Rapp I, Höfer D: Testing of the adhesion of herpes simplex virus on textile substrates and its inactivation by household laundry processes. Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, Volume 4 (2016), Page 111-125

Höfer, D, Müller K, Handel. M and Hammer, T: Electroencephalographic study showing that fabrics of mixed qualities elicit different event-related potentials. Skin Research & Technology. Volume 22, Issue 4 (2016), Page 470-478


Gerhardts, A, Henze, SV, Bockmühl, D, Höfer, D: Fabric-skin models to assess infection transfer for impetigo contagiosa in a kindergarten scenario. Eur. J. Clin. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. Volume 34, Issue 6 (2015), Page 1153-116

Höfer, D, Schnepf, JK, Hammer, T, Fischer, M and Marquardt, C: Biotechnologically produced microbial alginate dressings show enhanced gel forming capacity compared to commercial alginate dressings of marine origin, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine:  26(4): 5492


Marquardt, C, Koppes, P, Kross, U, Mahres, A, Paglinawan, R, Höfer, D, Schiedeck, T (2014): Negative pressure wound therapy using PHMB gauze for the management of postoperative subcutaneous surgical site infections. Coloproctology 36(5):364

Lämmle, C, Handel, M, Hammer, T, Jacobsen, F, Lehnhardt, M, Höfer, D and Hirsch T (2014): Etablierung eines mit porkinen adipogenen Stammzellen (pASC) besiedelten Implanates auf Alginatbasis für den autologen Weichgewebeersatz, Zeitschrift für Wundheilung 19

Höfer, D, Handel, M, Berner-Dannenmann, N, Reichart, J, Hammer, T and Marquardt, C (2014): A novel mattress with inboard heating fabric prevents the build-up of the dust mite allergen Der p1 in a 2-year in-home field study, Journal of Applied Medical Science 3(1): 2241-2336


Handel, M, Hammer, T, Nooeaid, P, Boccaccini, AR and Höfer, D (2013): 45S5-Bioglass-based 3D-scaffolds seeded with human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASC) induce in vivo vascularisation in the CAM angiogenesis assay, Tissue Engineering Part A 19: 23-24

Hammer, T, Berner-Dannenmann, N and Höfer, D (2013): Quantitative  and sensory evaluation of malodour retention of fibre types by use of  artificial skin, sweat and radiolabeled isovaleric acid, Flavour and Fragrance Journal 28(4): 238-244


Handel, M, Hammer, T and Höfer, D (2012): Adipogenic differentiation of scaffold-bound human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (hASC) for soft tissue engineering, Biomedical Materials 7(5): 054107

Gerhardts A, Mucha H, Höfer D (2012): Testing linen disinfection procedures in practice with phage-charged bioindicators, In: International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance. Vol 25, No.6, 519-531.

Gerhardts A, Mucha H, Hammer T, Höfer D (2012): Welche Rolle spielen textile Oberflächen in der Infektionskette? In: Hygiene & Medizin 10: 400-403

Höfer D, Hohn G, Berner-Dannenmann N, Schulze T, Niemz FG, Hammer T (2012): A novel in situ self-dissolving needle web based on medicated cellulose hollow fibres with drug delivery features, In: The Open Medical Devices Journal Volume 3, 1 – 8

Gerhardts A, Hammer T, Balluff C, Mucha H, Höfer D (2012): A model of the transmission of microorganisms in a public setting and its correlation to pathogen infection risks, In: Journal of Applied Microbiology 112(3): 614 – 21

Hammer T., Mucha H, Höfer D (2012): Dermatophyte susceptibility varies towards antimicrobial textiles, In: Mycoses 55(4): 344-351


Hammer T.R., Fischer K., Müller M., Höfer D. (2011): Effects of cigarette smoke residues from textiles on fibroblasts, neurocytes and zebrafish embryos and nicotine permeation through human skin, In: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 214(5): 384-391

Höfer D., Hammer T.R. (2011): Antimicrobial active clothes display no adverse effects on the ecological balance of the healthy human skin microflora In: ISRN Dermatology Volume 2011, Article ID 369603

Hammer T.R., Müller M., Höfer D. (2011): Fibre-bound stem cells on scaffolds induce vascularization in the modified in vivo HET-CAM angiogenesis model (conference abstract). In: Tissue Engineering Part A 17(3-4)

Hammer T, Mucha H, Höfer D (2011): Infection risk by dermatophytes during storage and after domestic laundry and their temperature-dependent inactivation. In: Mycopathologia 171: 43-49

Hammer T, Mucha H, Höfer D (2011): Dermatophyte susceptibility varies towards antimicrobial textiles, In: Mycoses.55(4): p. 344-51.

Hammer T, Müller M, Höfer D (2011): Biologisierte Textilimplantate für die personalisierte Regenerationsmedizin, In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Klinische Forschung 1/2 2011: 22-23


Marquardt C, […], Höfer D, […] (2010): Evaluation of the Tissue Toxicity of antiseptics by the Hen’s egg test on the Chorioallantoic membrane (HETCAM). In: European Journal Medical Research 15: 1-6

Gerhardts A, Wilderer C, Mucha H, Höfer D (2009): Prüfung der Wirksamkeit desinfizierender Waschverfahren gegen Viren mittels Einsatz phagenhaltiger Bioindikatoren mit dem Surrogatvirus MS2, Teil 1, In: Hygiene & Medizin 7/8: 272-281

Höfer D (2006): Antimicrobial textiles, skin-borne flora and odour, In: Probl Dermatol, 33: p. 67-77

Höfer D (2006): Antimicrobial textiles – evaluation of their effectiveness and  safety, In: Curr Probl Dermatol. 33: p. 42-50

Höfer D, Mecheels S (2004): i-wear for health care and wellness – state of the art and future possibilities, In: Stud. Health Technol Inform 108: 70-74

Höfer D, Swerev M (2003): Medical Textiles and Skin Equivalents, In: JTATM – Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management Volume 3, issue 2: 1-3

Höfer D, Swerev M (2003): The future of Medical Textiles: High-tech for the Well-being of the patient, In: JTATM – Volume 3, issue 2: 1-3


Höfer D, Shin D-W, Drenckhahn D (2000): Identification of cytoskeletal markers for the different microvilli and cell types of the rat vomeronasal sensory epithelium, In: J Neurocytol 29 (B): 147-156

Höfer D, Asan E, Drenckhahn D (1999): Chemosensory perception in the gut, In: News Physiol Sci 14: 18-23

Höfer D, Drenckhahn D (1999): Localization of actin, villin, fimbrin, ezrin and ankyrin in rat taste cell microvilli, In: Histochem Cell Biol 112: 79-86

Höfer D, Jöns T, Krämer J, Drenckhahn D (1998): From cytoskeleton to polarity and chemoreception in the gut epithelium, In: Ann N Y Acad Sci 859: 75-84

Stöffler H-E, Honnert U, Bauer CA, Höfer D, Schwarz H, Müller RT, Drenckhahn D., Bähler M. (1998): Targeting of the myosin-I myr 3 to intercellular adherens type junctions induced by dominant active Cdc42, but not Rac, in Hela cells, In: J Cell Sci 111: 2779-2788

Höfer D. Ness W, Drenckhahn D (1997): Sorting of actin isoforms in chicken auditory hair cells. In: J Cell Sci 110:765-770

Höfer D, Drenckhahn D (1996): Cytoskeletal difference between stereocilia of the human sperm passageway and microvilli/stereocilia in other locations, In: Anat Rec 245: 57-64

Höfer D, Drenckhahn D (1996): Cytoskeletal markers allowing discrimination between brush cells and other epithelial cells of the gut including enteroendocrine cells, In: Histochem Cell Biol 105: 405-412

Höfer D, Püschel B, Drenckhahn D (1996): Taste receptor-like cells in the gut identified by expression of α-gustducin, In: Proc Natl Acad Sci 93: 6631-6634

Kugler P, Höfer D, Mayer B, Drenckhahn D (1994): Nitric oxide synthase and NADP-linked Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase are co-localized in brush cells of rat stomach and pancreas, In: J Histochem Cytochem 42 (10): 1317-1321

Kasper M, Höfer D, Woodcock-Mitchell J, Migheli A, Attanasio A, Rudolf T, Müller M, Drenckhahn D (1994): Colocalization of cytokeratin 18 and villin in type III alveolar cells (brush cells) of  the rat lung, In: Histochemistry 101: 57-62

Höfer D, Drenckhahn D (1993): Molecular heterogeneity of the actin filament cytoskeleton associated with microvilli of photoreceptors, Müller´s glia cells and pigment epithelial cells of the retina, In: Histochemistry 99: 29-35

Höfer D, Drenckhahn D (1992): Identification of brush cells in the alimentary and respiratory system by antibodies to villin and fimbrin, In: Histochemistry 98: 237-242

Drenckhahn D, Engel K, Höfer D, Merte C, Tilney L, Tilney M (1991): Three different actin assemblies occur in every hair cell: Each contains a specific actin crosslinking protein, In: J Cell Biol 112: 641-651

Buchkapitel und Bücher

Grundmeier, A-M, Höfer, D (2023) (Eds.) ESD Manual – Sustainable Fashion Curriculum at Textile Universities in Europe. OPUS PHFR.

Grundmeier, A-M, Höfer, D (2023) (Hrsg.): ESD Handbuch – Mode – Textil – Nachhaltigkeit: Entwicklung, Implementierung und Evaluation eines BNE-Moduls für die Hochschullehre in Europa. OPUS PHFR.

Grundmeier A, Höfer D (2012): Fashion & Fußprobleme: Wo drückt der Schuh?, In B. Dulitz (Hrsg.), Unterricht Biologie Sammelband Der Mensch (S. 54 – 59). Seelze: Friedrich

Grundmeier A, Höfer D (2010): Gesundheit und Bekleidung, In: U. Spörhase (Hrsg.), Unterricht Biologie 352 (S. 2 – 9). Seelze: Friedrich

Grundmeier A, Höfer D (2010): Modisch, aber ungesund, In U. Spörhase (Hrsg.), Unterricht Biologie 352 (S. 10 – 13). Seelze: Friedrich

Grundmeier A, Höfer D (2010): Fashion & Fußprobleme: Wo drückt der Schuh?, In U. Spörhase (Hrsg.), Unterricht Biologie 352 (S. 14 – 19). Seelze: Friedrich

Spörhase U, Höfer D (2010): Pflege und Heilung durch Kleidung, In U. Spörhase (Hrsg.), Unterricht Biologie 352 (S. 20 – 24). Seelze: Friedrich

Höfer D (2007): Kapitel: Vliesstoffe für Hygiene, In: Vliesstoffe, Hrsg. Fuchs ISBN 3-527-29535-6


Höfer D, Hohn G (2008): Trends in Medizintextilien, In: Technische Textilien, Special Deutschland: 14-15